
Amber Cabral’s Skill Paths on diversity and inclusion are now available

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Amber Cabral - Inclusive and Equitable Workplace

We are delighted to announce the launch of four new Skill Paths on how to be an Ally for an Inclusive and Equitable Workplace. 

Developed with inclusion expert Amber Cabral, these Skill Paths feature a wealth of stories, ideas, tips, activities, and tools to help you make a difference and contribute to a more diverse, more inclusive, and fairer workplace. 

The term “diversity” gets thrown around a lot; this course offers the opportunity to find out what diversity really means in workplace settings and how it goes far beyond a few commonly discussed categories like race or gender. You’ll see how to be more inclusive by valuing the many types of people around you and facilitating collaboration with them. 

Be an Ally for an Inclusive and Equitable Workplace 

Creating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable culture is not easy: It requires courage, dedication, and a lot of hard work. Real inclusion requires you to take responsibility, and you may sometimes have to have uncomfortable conversations or make difficult choices. The good news is that everyone can contribute to a more inclusive culture because everyone has some degree of privilege that they can use to create visibility and opportunities for those who are dealing with the impacts of systemic discrimination.

This course helps everyone who wants to move away from discriminatory and unjust behaviors and to support and build meaningful connections with people across diverse backgrounds and identities. It will give you the keys to becoming an ally to your colleagues who are overlooked or disrespected. You will discover how to bring about a difference in their lives by making them feel more welcome, valued, and safe.

Through this course you will learn how to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace

This course offers a conscious path to making improvements, standing up for ourselves, and being allies to others. For a more holistic approach, you can access the Path to Performance (P2P) which encapsulates the content of these four Skill Paths. 

Amber Cabral - Inclusive and Equitable WorkplaceAmber Cabral is an inclusion strategist, certified coach, writer and speaker. She is the author of Wiley bestseller Allies and Advocates. Formerly a Diversity Strategist at Walmart Stores, Inc., she is the founder of Cabral Co., a diversity, equity and inclusive leadership-focused consulting firm. She hosts the You Can Have Whatever You Want® podcast and regularly speaks and writes about inclusion, culture, equity and social justice topics. Amber also serves on the Executive Board for non-profit organizations committed to promoting diverse representation and empowering women and girls across the globe.