Unleash Your Curiosity

Foster innovation and engagement for you and your team

Unleash your Curiosity

Leaders are not necessarily selected for their curiosity, but this trait is a key competitive advantage for leadership excellence. Curious leaders – alongside their curious teams – are able to generate and implement ideas, communicate well, solve problems, and profit from a culture of openness.

This facilitated program challenges a small group of leaders into making concrete improvements in their curiosity and gives them the tools to do so.

This program benefits:

"Unleash Your Curiosity" for Junior Managers

Junior Managers

"Unleash Your Curiosity"' for Middle Managers

Middle Managers

"Unleash Your Curiosity" for Project managers

Project Managers

Learned skills and behaviors

Team Innovation

How to get past inhibitions and
both contribute to and lead a curious workplace


Learn how to cultivate the urge to know more,
to question the familiar, and to pursue the unknown.

Problem solving

Learn how to break a huge problem down
into manageable pieces and just focus on
one smaller section at a time or
how to think more broadly about a small problem.

Creative Thinking

Generate new ideas, concepts, or solutions by
exploring various perspectives and by
going beyond the obvious boundaries and
come up with innovative solutions to problems.

Organizational impact

Empower middle managers to develop essential leadership skills and mindset to:

Boost their teams’ and their own curiosity in the workplace

Lead teams with strong strategic thinking

Instill curiosity within their teams

The program

3-week program

Targeted employee cohorts learn together in smaller groups of around 10
Facilitator-led, situational learning

Thought-leading content developed by

Dr. Diane Hamilton - business behavioral expert

Diane Hamilton

Dr. Diane Hamilton is a business behavioral expert. She is the creator of the Curiosity Code Index, the only assessment that determines the factors that inhibit curiosity. She is a highly sought-after keynote speaker and the host of a nationally syndicated radio show in the United States.

Curriculum and Modules

Key learning points and outcomes
Program kickoff
Program intro, learning goals, and expectations
Module 1
Conquer your curiosity roadblocks

Explore what curiosity is and how age affects it

See the four main roadblocks to curiosity and how to break past them

Discover your own roadblocks and where you can improve
Module 2
Understand the business case for workplace curiosity

See the benefits of taking curiosity into the workplace and being curious leaders

Explore ways to be curious at work

Bring these ideas into your own workplaces
Module 3
Bring curiosity into leadership

Become curious leaders

Instill curiosity in your teams
Program Wrap Up
Program wrap up, impact

End of course survey

The CrossKnowledge advantage

Leading from the Middle - Outcome-designed


Engaging content activities developed
with renowned experts and delivered
in a proven learning design.

Leading from the Middle - Cohort-based


Your employees learn together with
their peers and within the context of
your organization.

Leading from the Middle - Facilitator-led


One-on-one guidance and virtual
sessions packed with purposeful
interaction and peer-to-peer learning.

Ignite collaborative

Kick-start change

Deliver impact

More Facilitated Programs

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Build Psychological Safety

Elevate your Leadership

Elevate your Leadership

Leading from the middle

Lead from
the Middle

Building Team Connectivity

Build Cohesive Teams

Unlock Team Creativity

Make Effective Decisions

Make Effective Decisions