Build Cohesive Teams

Foster strong connections, cooperation, and unity among team members

Building Team Connectivity

This facilitated learning program helps leaders strengthen the connections between their team members by building accountability and trust. It enables leaders understand the characteristics and dynamics that shape teams, and it explores the importance of fostering diversity and inclusion to make teams stronger and more effective.

This facilitated program equips your leaders with the necessary skills to build accountability and trust within the teams and foster an inclusive environment.

This program benefits:

"Build Cohesive Teams" for Junior Managers

Junior Managers

"Build Cohesive Teams"' for Middle Managers

Middle Managers

"Build Cohesive Teams" for Project managers

Project Managers

Learned skills and behaviors

Team building

Understand cohesion challenges
and how to maintain a sense of unity

Trust building

Learn how trust and accountability are closely related

Inclusive leadership

Know how to spot and manage
the differences among team members

Vision setting

Understand the importance of a clear vision

Organizational impact

Empower managers to develop essential leadership skills and mindset to:

Address common cohesion challenges within their teams

Build accountability and trust.

Create an inclusive workplace

The program

3-week program – up to 15 learning hours

Targeted employee cohorts learn together in smaller groups of around 10
Facilitator-led, situational learning

Thought-leading content developed with these experts:

Robert Dilts


Internationally respected developer, author, trainer, and consultant in leadership and change.

Charles Handy


Writer, broadcaster and lecturer, and one of the top names in Thinkers Fifty.

Manfred Kets de Vries

Kets de Vries

Professor of Leadership Development at INSEAD, and Director of INSEAD’s Global Leadership Centre.

Lisette Sutherland is the author of "Work Together Anywhere" (Wiley) and member of the crossKnowledge Faculty


Director of Collaboration Superpowers, a company that helps people work better together remotely or on a hybrid basis.

Andrew Kinder - Remote Working and Well-being - CrossKnowledge Faculty


Leading chartered psychologist, awarded a Fellowship by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Marie Miyashiro


Internationally recognized author, business consultant, facilitator, and keynote speaker.

Jason W. Womack

Jason W.

International speaker and leadership coach.

Amber Cabral - Diversity, equity and inclusion - Faculty


Inclusion strategist, certified coach, writer, and speaker.

Curriculum and Modules

Key Learning Points and Outcomes
Program kickoff
Program intro, facilitator intro, learning goals, and expectations
Module 1
Understand the main characteristics of a cohesive team

Identify the main characteristics of cohesive teams

Discover the importance of vision, mission, and goals to team cohesion

Address the challenges of remote working arrangements and team cohesion
Module 2
Build accountability and trust

Discover what accountability means to you and your team

Learn how to develop a culture of accountability

Explore ways to develop trust among your team members
Module 3
Foster diversity and inclusion within your team

Recognize and address unconscious bias

Create your own daily question process

Discover how to foster diversity and inclusion
Program Wrap Up
Program wrap up, impact

End of course survey

The CrossKnowledge advantage

Building Team Connectivity - Outcome-designed


Engaging content activities, developed
with renowned experts, delivered in a
proven learning design.

Building Team Connectivity - Cohort-based


Your employees learn together with
their peers and within the context of
your organization, at scale.

Building Team Connectivity - Facilitator-led


One-on-one guidance and virtual
sessions packed with purposeful
interaction and peer-to-peer learning.

Ignite collaborative

Kick-start change

Deliver impact

More Facilitated Programs

Master hybrid leadership

Master Hybrid Leadership

Build Psychological Safety - a Facilitated Upskilling Program

Build Psychological Safety

Unleash your Curiosity

Unleash your Curiosity

Elevate your Leadership

Elevate your Leadership

Leading from the middle

Lead from
the Middle

Unlock Team Creativity

Make Effective Decisions

Make Effective Decisions