Deliver personalized soft skills training

Give each employee the training they need to unlock their human potential. We leverage the power of personalization at scale to accelerate every learner’s personal development.

CrossKnowledge CK Connect Solutions
CrossKnowledge, Upskill your organization with CK Connect

A powerful new way to develop soft skills

Soft skills development is just as essential for employee and organizational success as hard and job skills are. However, developing such skills at scale through digital learning – and proving effectiveness – is much harder.

With CK Connect, training is so personalized that it speaks to each one of your employees, generating unprecedented engagement rates and high efficiency.

Through our personal assessment and AI capabilities, you’ll easily be able to deliver personalized recommendations and learning experiences that drive soft skills acquisition, no matter whether you’re targeting 400 or 40,000 learners.

CrossKnowledge CK Connect Solutions

Support your learners

as they discover and acquire the skills that will make a difference in their personal development

CrossKnowledge CK Connect Solutions

Support your managers

as they develop their team members,
both individually and collectively

CrossKnowledge CK Connect Solutions

Support your organization

by  recommending tailored training
based on your corporate needs

Unlock the potential of each employee

CrossKnowledge CK Connect Solutions
  • Give them the opportunity to express their natural preferences

    while learning more about their inherent abilities and challenges through personality assessments and personalized recommendations

  • Help them immediately apply what they’re learning

    in a real-world context and see the lasting impact

  • Provide them with training that is built on proven pedagogy

    developed from the latest research in learning and neuroscience

Unlock the potential of your managers

  • Give them the tools to easily and efficiently develop talents

  • Build on each team member’s unique strengths and tailor training paths to their needs

  • Help them better understand each team member, and the various team dynamics

  • Support them to increase the overall levels of collaboration

CrossKnowledge CK Connect Solutions