Unlock Team Creativity

Strategies for innovative thinking and problem solving

Fueling creativity in today’s work environment has become increasingly complex. To remain competitive, your offerings need to be intentional, and your processes need to be innovative.

This program equips your key talent with proven creative problem-solving techniques – enriching their ideation output to create value and drive competitive advantage.

See how Unlocking Team Creativity works

This program benefits:

Unlocking team creativity - Middle managers

Middle Managers

Unlocking team creativity - Key talent

Key Talent

Learned skills and behaviors

Ideation techniques

Stimulate the creative process with curiosity and
divergent thinking techniques.

Teamwork behaviors

Create a safe environment where team members
feel comfortable contributing, failing, and learning.


Teach teams how to generate innovative solutions,
individually or together.

Organizational impact

Cultivate an innovative mindset by equipping your middle managers with essential creative skills. Creativity leads to innovation, and innovation generates value.

Quickly turn ideas into innovation
and transform brainstorming
into business impact.

Boost efficiency by spending less
time on inefficient brainstorming and
more time on delivering results.

Build stronger teams to foster a
deeper connection between employee
ideation, innovation, and productivity.

The program

4-week program – up to 15 learning hours

50 people working in 5 cohorts | Facilitator-led, situational learning

Thought-leading content:

This program is based on CPS (Creative Problem Solving), an approach formalized by Alex Osborn and
Sid Parnes. It bridges the academic and business worlds of creative practitioners and innovation professionals. CPS is the source of many other approaches, including Design Thinking.

Unlocking Team Creativity - Thought leading content

Developed with experts

ias.agora partnering for Unlocking team creativity

A multi-field talent collective, with expertise in customer-centric agility and creativity.

4/4 Program and Facilitator satisfaction rating.

Curriculum and Modules

Key Learning Points and Outcomes
Program kickoff
Program intro, Facilitator intro, learning goals, and expectations
Week 1:
Creativity around the table

The value of being methodical in creative sessions

Build a creative climate through creative stances

How to use icebreakers

The golden rules of creativity
Week 2:
Exploring the creative challenge

Five questions to frame the challenge

Use mind mapping

Restating the creative challenge

From problem to creative challenge: three techniques
Week 3:
Generating ideas

Utilize brain post-its

The process of reverse brainstorming

Forced connections

Using projective images

Four techniques to gather a variety of ideas and boost imagination
Week 4:
Turning ideas into solutions

Identify the hits and highlights

A method to enrich clusters

A framework for idea assessment and enrichment

Three techniques to transform ideas into solutions
Program Wrap Up
Program wrap up, impact

End of course survey

The Wiley CrossKnowledge advantage

Unlocking team creativity - Outcome-designed


Engaging content activities, developed
with renowned experts, delivered in a
proven learning design.

Unlocking team creativity - Cohort-based


Your employees learn together with
their peers and within the context of
your organization, at scale.

Unlocking team creativity - Facilitator-led


One-on-one guidance and virtual
sessions packed with purposeful
interaction and peer-to-peer learning.

Ignite collaborative

Kick-start change

Deliver impact

More Facilitated Programs

Master hybrid leadership

Master Hybrid Leadership

Build Psychological Safety - a Facilitated Upskilling Program

Build Psychological Safety

Unleash your Curiosity

Unleash your Curiosity

Elevate your Leadership

Elevate your Leadership

Leading from the middle

Lead from
the Middle

Building Team Connectivity

Build Cohesive Teams

Make Effective Decisions

Make Effective Decisions