Manage Diversity

Manage Microaggressions and Bias

Course time 44 min
Manage Microaggressions and Bias

As much as we might strive to be inclusive to others and make purely rational decisions, we’re all subject to our own biases. These can even lead us to act in ways both big and small that harm those who are different from ourselves.

This course is about recognizing biases and avoiding causing the small harms known as microaggressions. It also shows how to respond when we experience others’ hurtful actions and how to apologize for our own.

Expected outcomes

Recognize bias

Understand and deal with microaggressions

An increased awareness of bias and microaggressions in daily behaviors and the ability to respond to them

Developed by

Amber Cabral - Diversity, equity and inclusion - Faculty


  • Manage Diversity

Available languages

  • American English
  • Spanish
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Dutch
  • French
  • German

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